GARY JOBE FERGUSON is an inspirational teacher, healer, and coach who has been assisting people in their physical healing and the actualization of their creative potential since healing himself from cancer in 1993.

At the time Gary was diagnosed with cancer he was a principal orchestral trumpet player. Early challenges in his healing process—metastasis and a failure to respond to conventional treatment—drove him to seek a variety of healing paths to reclaim his health and wellness.

Learning to tap into the wisdom of his body and allowing the illness to guide him back into the river of life, required letting go of being a musician, and instead, honoring the creative expressions that were yearning to be a part of his life. As he embodied the transformation of becoming a healer, guide, and teacher, his body “miraculously” started to respond to treatment. By creating a new relationship to life and using adjunctive cancer treatments to support his body in its healing process, he not only responded to conventional treatment, but was cancer-free in 12 weeks.

Gary has created a unique model of healing using a blend of ancient wisdom and 21st century science that focuses on people reclaiming their creative authenticity and sharing their unique gifts as the foundation of their healing process. With this model Gary has helped thousands of clients overcome the physical and emotional blockages that were holding them back from healing and creating the lives they truly desired.

In addition to working in the fields of personal development and health and wellness, Gary is now applying many of his mind-body techniques as a performance coach within the world of music. Gary has designed a revolutionary new performance enhancement program, entitled Pathways to Performance Mastery, to help musicians actualize their gifts and to perform their best when it matters most. This work is an outgrowth of his many years of studying with world class musicians, leaders in the fields of coaching and depth & somatic psychology, and pioneers in mind-body medicine and applied kinesiology. Gary works one-on-one with musicians and teaches group workshops and masterclasses at music schools and music festivals around the country.

Based on the findings from his dissertation research and his coaching work with performing artists over the last seven years, Gary has created The School for Soulful Artistry™, soon to become a 501c3 nonprofit. The school is dedicated to inspiring high school and college students in the performing and visual arts through an innovative curricula of in-person and online programs. The school’s curricula are founded on the premise that, for students to actualize their creative potential, they need a combination of artistry and performance skills along with life, interpersonal, and personal resiliency skills.

Gary is certified in a variety of healing modalities. He is a somatic psychologist, a professional certified coach (PCC), and a specialist in mind-body medicine and applied kinesiology. He is a dynamic public speaker and trainer, teaching classes and workshops on health and wellness, personal growth, and self-transformation, in addition to his performance enhancement offerings.

Gary’s work is influenced by depth, somatic, and archetypal psychology, Anthroposophy & Anthroposophical medicine, alchemy, mind-body medicine, shamanism, applied kinesiology, yoga, mythology & personal mythology, trauma research & trauma release techniques, conscious breathing, Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing technique, the work of Dennis Klocek, the work of Dietrich Klinghardt, performance coaching, and insights gleaned while engaged in deep inner work.

Gary has a master’s degree and PhD in Depth Psychology with an emphasis in Somatic Studies. He is currently developing a series of online programs and is writing a book entitled, How You Became You: Understanding the Hidden Story that Guides Your Life.